Deposits to Wrong Cryptocurrency Address

It's users' responsibility to send funds to the correct deposit address. If you had made a cryptocurrency, coin or token transfer to wrong BtcTurk address please send these information to

  • Name of Token/Coin:
  • Deposit Amount:
  • TXID of the Transaction:
  • Refund Address:

Please note that recovery is not guaranted.

Recoveries are done once per week. You may wait up 7 days. Please be patient while our technical and security teams trying to recover your transfer.

If the recovery is successful, funds will be transfered to the refund address you mentioned. It's very important to share the correct answer. You must check the refund address before sending and BtcTurk is not responsible for the wrong refund addresses sent by the user. If a wrong return address was provided, BtcTurk will not be responsible for the loss of funds.

Recovery fee: Return transfer's transfer fee + 1% recovery fee will be deducted from the funds. If the wrong transfer value doesn't cover the recovery charge, no recoveries will be made.

Please note that, BtcTurk doesn't ask users to send cryptocurrencies for recovery. Be careful about phishing attempts.

Withdrawls to Wrong Cryptocurrency Address Cryptocurrency transfers are irreversable. Withdrawal addresses are being checked while they are being added to withdrawal addresses list. Withdrawal addresses are being accepted only if they are compatible with the algorithm.

But, it's possible to add a wrong address if it's compatible with algorithm. Because of this, every withdrawal request is accepted after e-mail confirmation. When a withdrawal request is created, an e-mail is being sent to registered e-mail address including withdrawal address, withdrawal amount and a confirmation button/link. If user clicks the confirm transaction button/link withdrawal transfer is being confirmed and queuded automatically. It's not possible to cancel a withdraw process after e-mail confrimation.

If the receiving address is verified by the algorithm transfer will be broadcasted to the network even the address is not created yet and this transaction can not be returned.

It's not possible to refund/return the transactions sent to wrong address.